Connecting Through JOTA-JOTI

1. Connecting Through JOTA-JOTI
The Scout Association of Guyana is gearing up for an exciting weekend of virtual and radio communication as they prepare to participate in the 2022 Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI). This year's event, which takes place from October 14-16, promises to be an unforgettable experience for scouts across the globe, and the Scout Association of Guyana is eager to be a part of it.
JOTA-JOTI is an annual event that brings together scouts and guides from around the world to connect and communicate using radio and internet technologies. This year's theme, "Connecting the World," emphasizes the importance of communication and building bridges between different cultures and communities.
Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, JOTA-JOTI will continue to offer scouts the opportunity to make new friends and learn about different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. Participants will have access to a wide range of activities, including virtual tours, interactive games, and educational workshops on topics such as technology and sustainability.
The Scout Association of Guyana is excited to participate in this year's event and has been making preparations to ensure that their scouts can fully engage in the JOTA-JOTI activities. With the support of the University of Guyana they will be utilizing internet technologies to connect with scouts worldwide. Through the JOTA-JOTI platform chat rooms, video calls, and social platforms, scouts will be able to engage in meaningful conversations and learn about different cultures and lifestyles.
The JOTA-JOTI event is a unique opportunity for our scouts to connect with other scouts from around the world and learn about different cultures and traditions. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we are excited to participate in this year's event and contribute to building a global community of scouts.
The Scout Association of Guyana is encouraging all scouts to join in the JOTA-JOTI event and take advantage of this unique opportunity to connect with scouts from around the world.
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Scouts come together virtually for the annual JOTA-JOTI.