1909 - 2025 - Our History

A Brief Overview of the Scout Movement in Guyana


Beginnings - Early Beginnings

Scouting in Guyana has a long and storied history that dates back to the early 20th century. The movement was first introduced to the country by Sgt Major George Manley, a member of a British regiment stationed in British Guiana. He saw the need for a youth organization that could teach boys valuable life skills and instill in them a sense of civic duty and responsibility. The first Boy Scout troop in Guyana was formed in Georgetown in 1909 at Queen’s College. This troop was the first of many that would be established throughout the country in the years to come. In the early days, scouting in Guyana was primarily focused on outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and survival skills. The emphasis on outdoor activities was intended to teach boys the importance of self-reliance and to develop their physical and mental strength.


Expansion - Expansion of the Movement

As the movement grew in popularity, it began to expand beyond the realm of outdoor activities and started to focus more on civic engagement and community service. Scouts were encouraged to participate in community projects. This emphasis on community service was intended to teach boys the importance of civic responsibility and to encourage them to give back to their communities. In the 1980s and 1990s, scouting in Guyana underwent a resurgence. The movement was revitalized by a new generation of leaders and volunteers who were committed to revitalizing the organization and reaching out to a new generation of young people. Many new programs and activities were introduced, this helped to attract more young people to the movement and helped to reinvigorate the organization.


Today - Scouting Today

Today, scouting in Guyana remains robust, with the Scout Association of Guyana standing as a prominent youth organization in the country. We have hundreds of young individuals actively engaging in our programs and activities. Committed to fostering scouting values like community service, leadership, and self-reliance, we are dedicated to aiding young people in acquiring the skills essential for responsible and civic-minded adulthood. The Scout Association of Guyana continues to be a leading youth organization, steadfast in our commitment to promoting these values and assisting young people in becoming well-rounded individuals.

Important Dates - Scouting Milestones

First experimental Scout camp1907
First experimental Scout camp

First experimental Scout camp

In 1907, Robert Baden-Powell organized the first experimental Scout camp on Brownsea Island, UK, which laid the foundation for the Scout movement. Baden-Powell also published his book, "Scouting for Boys," and the Boy Scouts Association was established in the UK.

Scouting in British Guiana1909
Scouting in British Guiana

Scouting in British Guiana

Scouting started in British Guiana in 1909. This was the first country in the Caribbean where it was established, and the second in South America. The initial scout troop was founded at Queen’s College, by Sgt Major George Manley, a member of a British regiment stationed here.

The first World Jamboree1920
The first World Jamboree

The first World Jamboree

The first World Jamboree was held in London in 1920 and was attended by over 8,000 Scouts, gathering Scouts from all around the world. Since then, World Jamborees have been held every four years in different locations around the world.

The 3rd Caribbean Jamboree1969
The 3rd Caribbean Jamboree

The 3rd Caribbean Jamboree

The 3rd Caribbean Jamboree held in Guyana in the year 1969 at the Queen Elizabeth Park, (later National Park) was a memorable affair, with an estimated fifteen hundred plus scouts in attendance. Contingents came from Canada, England and all the Caribbean Islands.

The 14th Caribbean Jamboree2009
The 14th Caribbean Jamboree

The 14th Caribbean Jamboree

The 14th Caribbean Jamboree commemorating our 100th year in Scouting was held in 2009 at the Sophia Exhibition Centre, Guyana - under the theme "One Movement, One Destiny". Contingents came from Argentina, Suriname and many Caribbean Islands.

The 14th Caribbean Cuboree2016
The 14th Caribbean Cuboree

The 14th Caribbean Cuboree

The 14th Caribbean Cuboree, held in Guyana, brought together Scouts from 14 countries for a fun week of activities and cultural exchange. Participants engaged in a plethora of activities, strengthening friendships and learning about the diversity of the Caribbean region.

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© The Scout Association of Guyana. 2025