Ages 15-18 - Venturer Scouts


Who - Who Are Venturer Scouts

Venturer Scouts are a section of the Scouting movement that caters to young people aged fifteen to eighteen. It is a co-ed program that focuses on providing an opportunity for personal growth, leadership development, and outdoor adventure. Venturer Scouts are encouraged to take responsibility for their own development and to actively participate in planning and organizing their own activities. The program is designed to be challenging and fun, and it offers a range of activities that are tailored to the interests of the individual members.


Focus - What is the focus of Venturer Scout activities?

The focus of Venturer Scouts activities is to provide young people aged 15-18 an opportunity to challenge themselves, test their boundaries and discover their potential. These Scouts differ from Explorers in that they typically take on more difficult projects, focusing on advanced skills and taking on larger team initiatives. Projects often are more challenging and often more physically demanding. Through these experiences, Venture Scouts learn how to be resourceful and resilient, how to work in teams and how to plan, organize and execute complex tasks. Ventures Scouts activities are also about developing good citizenship and community engagement, providing an opportunity for young people to become active and engaged citizens in the world.


What - What projects are undertaken by Venturer Scouts?

Volunteering and community service: Explorer Scouts may volunteer their time and skills to support their local community through projects such as conservation work, fundraising, or helping at events.

Leadership and teamwork: Explorer Scouts may take on leadership roles within their groups, developing their leadership skills and learning how to work effectively in teams.


Uniform - Venturer Scout Uniform

The Venturer Scouts uniform consists of the Explorer shirt, black pants, black belt, group neckerchief, neckerchief woggle, hand-kerchief, pen and notebook.

Uniform Insignia Placement
The Scout Association
of Guyana
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